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中國智庫產(chǎn)業(yè)學(xué)術(shù)年會論文征集截至2023年3月31|Call for papers(中英版)
信息發(fā)布:征集碼頭網(wǎng)    點擊次數(shù):7410     更新時間:2023-01-20    截止日期:2023-01-20
  National Think Tank China Think Tank
  23 Issues in 2023(Chinese and English)
  Think tank industry research album on request and 2023
  China Think Tank Industry International Academic Conference
  Call for papers
  This album cooperates with relevant departments of the Central Government,the State Council and universities
  Think tank industry system is a phased achievement of national key research projects
  In 2015,won the ministerial award of the Ministry of Civil Affairs
  Relevant suggestions were adopted by the Central Committee as the"two sessions"proposal
  Focus on the latest deployment of the 20th National Congress,study and explain the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party,and provide systematic and influential policy research results around the new era and new journey.
  The paper will eventually form a report,carry out forward-looking,targeted,problem-solving and reserve research on major issues such as national economic and social development,explore and form more replicable and promotable institutional achievements,and provide academic support and policy recommendations for promoting China's industrial development plan.It provides reference for central decision-making.
  At the annual meeting,famous experts and scholars from domestic and foreign think tanks and industrial economy fields will be invited to give speeches and exchanges.The annual meeting will organize the selection of excellent paper awards。
  The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has provided a scientific guide for China's comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country.The report made new arrangements for the modern industrial system,pointing out that the modern industrial system is an important support for Chinese path to modernization.If the industry is strong,the economy will be strong.Only when the modern industrial system is strengthened and coordinated,can the modern economic system have a solid foundation.
  With regard to the construction of a modern industrial system,the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that"we should stick to the focus of economic development on the real economy,promote new industrialization,and accelerate the construction of a manufacturing power,a quality power,a space power,a transportation power,a network power,and a digital China."The Think Tank industrial system is consistent with the requirements of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on the construction of a modern industrial system.Think tank industry is defined as a high-end industrial cluster of primary,secondary and tertiary industries.It is a centralized embodiment of the full intelligent industrial chain generated by integrating the intellectual knowledge resources of high-end talents.The think tank industry cluster demonstration area is a key hub to achieve cross regional cooperation,solve the problem of unbalanced and insufficient regional development,and create a new pattern of system dynamic balance under the"new national system",which is conducive to promoting the construction of a unified market across the country and achieving reasonable and efficient agglomeration of factors.
  From now on,we will solicit papers on the research of"think tank industry"from experts and scholars at home and abroad.
  征文、年會主題Essay solicitation、Theme of the annual meeting
  The Construction and Practice of Think Tank Industry System in the Process of Chinese modernization
  征文時間Collection time
  Authors are welcome to submit full papers(PDF format only)by January 27,2023:Submitted papers will be judged by an adjudication committee,which plans to notify authors by April 15,2023.
  The conference sponsor will provide no more than 3 days hotel accommodation for the reader(1 person/paper)and reviewer(1 person/paper)who accepts the papers.
  最佳論文獎Best Paper Award
  The paper judging committee will select from the submitted papers:
  ·Best Paper Award of China Think Tank Industry International Annual Conference
  (1 essay,30,000RMB)
  ·Best Academic Youth Paper Award of China Think Tank Industry International Annual Conference
  (1 essay,20,000 RMB)
  There is no limit to the topic of the best paper,but preference will be given to doctoral job search papers and papers related to think tank industry issues.
  ·3 first prizes;5 second prizes;7 third prizes;10 Young Scholars Award;Excellent paper award several,etc.A panel of experts will be organized by the organizer to review the submitted papers,and award prize money(pre-tax)and certificates of honor to the authors of winning papers.
  ·Excellent scholars will be invited to participate in relevant research projects in depth.
  大會聯(lián)席主席General Co-Chair
  Li Wuwei,Honorary Advisor of the National Think Tank,Vice Chairman of the 11th CPPCC
  Ren Yuling,editor in chief of the National Think Tank,former Counsellor of the State Council of China,and consultant of the United Nations Development Programme
  論文評審委員會成員(按拼音排序)Members of the Thesis Assessment Committee(in Alphabetical order)
  Fan Zuojun,Vice President and Professor of Guangxi University
  Gong Yuzhen,Professor of National Development Research Institute,Peking University
  Guo Shengxiang,Honorary President of the Association of Actuaries of Australia
  Ji Mingkui,Major General,former Deputy Chief Education Officer and Professor of National Defense University
  Li Shuguang,Professor of China University of Political Science and Law
  Li Huailiang,Dean and Professor of the Institute of the Community of Human Destiny,Communication University of China
  Nie Yongyou,Executive Dean and Professor of School of Economics,Shanghai University
  Xiao Jincheng,former director and researcher of National Development and Reform Commission Institute of Land Development and Regional Economy
  Xu Xu,full-time deputy secretary and professor of the National Harbor Laboratory
  Xu Yihua,Distinguished Professor of Fudan University
  Xu Guangyu,Major General,former Vice Minister of a Department of the General Staff,former Vice President of the PLA Anti chemical Institute
  yujin,Chief Editor of the National Think Tank,President and Professor of the China Region Development&Reform Institute
  Zhu Xufeng,Executive Dean and Professor of School of Public Administration of Tsinghua University
  主題解釋Theme explanation
  智庫產(chǎn)業(yè)定義Definition of think tank industry
  Think tank industry refers to the centralized embodiment of the full intelligent industrial chain generated by integrating the intellectual knowledge resources of high-end talents and taking innovative talents as the core under the background of economic globalization.
  智庫產(chǎn)業(yè)體系都包括哪些產(chǎn)業(yè)?What industries are included in the think tank industry system?
  The industrial system structure of think tanks is mainly based on the high-end industry of tertiary industry as the leading industry of think tanks;Its extension is embodied in the industrialized application of various intellectual achievements,including modern high-end demonstration agriculture characterized by brand building,green ecology,high quality and high value in the primary industry,high-tech manufacturing and strategic emerging industries characterized by intensive,concentrated and circular development in the secondary industry,as well as digital industry and future industry.
  智庫產(chǎn)業(yè)集群區(qū)?Think tank industrial cluster area?
  The think tank industry takes the think tank as the carrier,and the think tank industry demonstration zone as the incubator and important hand.The main participants include the government,enterprises,scientific research institutions,and think tanks,which play different functions respectively.
  智庫產(chǎn)業(yè)體系實現(xiàn)什么?What does the think tank industry system achieve?
  Building a new industrial system of"five chain integration"of policy chain,talent chain,industry chain,technology chain and capital chain is the key to think tank industrial cluster.The essence of"five chain coordination"is the government's hosting,market orientation and enterprise leadership.The resulting fully intelligent industrial chain is driven by the government's policy opening,driven by the gathering of high-end talents participating in political affairs,driven by the gathering of high-end industries,driven by the integration and interaction of financial markets,and driven by scientific research and application innovation.
  智庫產(chǎn)業(yè)不是智庫產(chǎn)業(yè)化Think tank industry is not think tank industrialization
  Think tank industry research,first of all to know what is"think tank";Clarify the relationship between"think tank"and"think tank industry";Understand the definition of"think tank industry"."Think tank industry"and"think tank industrialization"are different in nature.The think tank industry is the think tank+industry,not the"think tank industrialization".We should avoid misthinking or misleading the"think tank industrialization",exaggerating it as economic benefits and being manipulated by modern commercial and technological means to achieve commercial interests,which is not conducive to the socialist economic construction,let alone the construction of new think tanks with Chinese characteristics.Both the new type of think tank undertaking with Chinese characteristics and the think tank industry should always put social benefits in the first place.
  論文選題(題目作者可自定)Thesis topic(subject can be determined by the author)
  The scope of solicitation includes high-quality academic papers in the field of think tank industry,especially research related to China's development.Topics include but are not limited to:
  1.Think tank industry,think tank industrial system,think tank industrial cluster(park)and other conceptual categories(including:occurrence logic,basic connotation,realistic characteristics,era value,promotion law and path analysis)
  2.Differences and connections between the think tank industry and new think tank undertakings with Chinese characteristics
  3.Think tank industry research paradigm
  4.Research on the innovation of think tank industrial economic development model and system mechanism
  5.Think tank industry,think tank industry system,think tank system cluster(park)and new national system
  6.Think tank industrial cluster(park)and industrial policy
  7.Think tank industry and high-quality development
  8.Think tank industry and China's talent cause(education,science and technology,talent)
  9.Deep integration of think tank industry,digital industry and future industry
  10.Think tank industrial cluster(park)and"five chains"are deeply integrated
  11.Comparison between cultural industry(park)and think tank industry cluster(park)
  12.Think tank industrial cluster(park)and governance system
  13.Think tank industrial clusters(parks)and commercial smart valley parks,their theories,elements and relevant cases
  14.Policy planning of think tank industry and think tank industrial cluster(park)
  15.Think tank industrial clusters and geo economic,political and cultural strategies
  16.The role and impact of industrial policies from the perspective of the new industrial system strategy group of think tanks
  17.Research on the Industrial Clusters(Parks)of the"the Belt and Road"National Think Tanks and the Rise of China's Global Value Chain Status
  18.Think tank industrial cluster(park)and endogenous power of domestic big cycle
  19.Think tank industrial cluster(park)and improve the market-oriented allocation system of resources and environmental factors
  20.Regional breakthrough,cluster aggregation and institutional innovation--Research on high-quality development of think tank industry during the"14th Five Year Plan"period
  21.Research on the development of cooperation and innovation coupling between local universities and think tanks in industrial clusters(parks)
  22.Modern industrial system and think tank industrial cluster(park)
  23.Think tank industrial cluster(park)and digital economy
  24.Relationship between think tanks'common industrial technologies and regional industrial clusters
  25.Think tank industrial cluster(park)and dual carbon strategy
  26.Think tank industrial cluster(park)and future factory
  27.Sort out the report of the 20th CPC National Congress on how to build a think tank industrial system,institutional evolution and model innovation of think tank industrial parks in the process of Chinese path to modernization.For example,think tank industry(cluster)corresponds to talent power,education power,science and technology power,manufacturing power,quality power,digital China,aerospace power,etc
  6.來稿電子文本發(fā)送至:kxfzg2008 vip.163.com標(biāo)注:《國家智庫》或《中國智庫》
  《國家智庫》(英文名稱:NATIONAL THINK TANK)、《中國智庫》(英文名稱:CHINA THINK TANK)于2009年創(chuàng)刊,由中國知名智庫機(jī)構(gòu)——東中西部區(qū)域發(fā)展和改革研究院主辦,中共中央機(jī)關(guān)刊求是雜志社主管的中央級出版社——紅旗出版社出版,定期向全國各新華書店、機(jī)場等場所公開發(fā)行。



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