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信息發(fā)布:征集碼頭網(wǎng)    點擊次數(shù):6550     更新時間:2024-09-02    截止日期:2024-10-08
  “Bridges Witness a New Era·From the Yangtze River to the World”International Short Video Solicitation and Broadcast ExhibitionNow Officially Launched Open for Global SubmissionsShowcase your best workfor a chance to win up to10,000 RMB!
  I.Theme Planning“橋”溝通世界,連接你我,代表開放、包容和國際理解。為深入學習貫徹黨的二十屆三中全會精神,充分展示“開放”這個中國式現(xiàn)代化的鮮明標識,講好中國故事、傳播好中國聲音,讓新時代中國大國形象更加鮮明,在國家廣播電視總局宣傳司、湖北省委宣傳部指導下,湖北省廣播電視局、湖北廣播電視臺主辦“橋”見新時代(Bridges Witness a New Era)·從長江走向世界(From the Yangtze River to the World)國際短視頻征集展播活動,面向全球廣泛征集遴選一批可視、可聽、可親、可感的短視頻作品,通過全國主流媒體、湖北國際傳播中心Open Hubei海外矩陣、海外主流媒體平臺展播,讓世界“橋”見改革開放的偉大成就,看到一個欣欣向榮、自信自立、胸懷天下、開放包容的中國。Connecting the world and people,bridge is a symbol of openness,inclusiveness,and international understanding.To thoroughly implement the spirit of the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee,highlight openness as a distinctive feature of Chinese modernization,effectively tell China’s story,and enhance the image of China as a major power in the new era,the Hubei Provincial Radio and Television Bureau and Hubei Media Group,under the guidance of the Publicity Department of the National Radio and Television Administration and the Publicity Department of the CPC Hubei Provincial Committee,are hosting the international short video solicitation and exhibition event:Bridges Witness a New Era:From the Yangtze River to the World.The event aims to globally solicit and select a series of visually,audibly,and emotionally engaging short videos.These videos will be showcased through national mainstream media,Hubei International Communication Center’s overseas network matrix known as Open Hubei,and international mainstream media platforms.With a focus on bridges,the event seeks to highlight the great achievements of China’s reform and opening-up and present a thriving,confident,open,and inclusive image of modern China.
  II.Submission Deadline2024年10月8日October 8,2024
  III.Solicitation(一)作品要求I.Submission Requirements1.作品要求緊扣“橋”見新時代(Bridges Witness a New Era)主題,參賽者可結(jié)合自己或身邊朋友親身經(jīng)歷的精彩故事,紀錄“橋”帶來的創(chuàng)新創(chuàng)造,給當?shù)厝嗣窆ぷ鳌⑸顜淼拿黠@變化,從而展現(xiàn)中國新時代高質(zhì)量發(fā)展成果,因地制宜發(fā)展新質(zhì)生產(chǎn)力,為全球經(jīng)濟發(fā)展增加新活力、帶來新機遇,助推建設和平發(fā)展、共同繁榮的美好世界。(例如:中馬友誼大橋,這座由中國援建的跨海大橋連接著首都馬累、機場島和胡魯馬累島,將原本2小時的行程縮短到5分鐘。目前,通行量已達上億人次,環(huán)馬累生活和居住圈得以形成。)參賽投稿應為原創(chuàng)制作,版權(quán)明晰,未獲得過國內(nèi)外其他比賽獎勵的作品。Submissions should closely align with the theme“Bridges Witness a New Era.”Participants are encouraged to document inspiring stories from their own experiences or those of friends,highlighting the innovation and creativity brought about by bridges and the significant changes they have brought to local people’s work and lives.These stories should showcase the high-quality development achievements of China in the new era,the development of new quality productive forces tailored to local conditions,and how these contribute to global economic growth by injecting new vitality and creating new opportunities,thereby promoting a peaceful and prosperous world.For example,the SinamaléBridge(also known as the China-Maldives Friendship Bridge),built with China’s assistance,connects the capital Malé,the airport island,and Hulhumalé,reducing a two-hour journey to just five minutes.The bridge has already seen over 100 million crossings,leading to the formation of a living and residential circle around Malé.Submissions must be original,with clear copyright ownership,and must not have received awards in other domestic or international competitions.
  2.投稿作品為時長6分鐘以內(nèi)的短視頻,分辨率不低于1280*720,接受MPG、MPEG、AVI、MOV、MP4等格式文件。視頻不帶角標、臺標、水印或標識。Submitted videos should be no longer than 6 minutes in duration,with a resolution of at least 1280x720.Accepted formats include MPG,MPEG,AVI,MOV,and MP4.The videos should not contain any corner signs,logos,watermarks,or other identifying marks.
  3.作品凡涉及版權(quán)等事宜由投稿人自負,主辦方可用于非盈利性的相關推廣并可長期對外展示,包括通過海外社交媒體平臺進行推廣宣傳。Participants are responsible for any copyright issues related to their submissions.The organizers reserve the right to use the submitted works for non-profit promotional purposes and may showcase them publicly on a long-term basis,including on overseas social media platforms.
  4.作品不限語種,若使用除英語以外的外語語種請配中文字幕,漢字使用應規(guī)范、準確。Submissions can be in any language.However,if a language other than English is used,Chinese subtitles must be provided.The use of Chinese characters should be accurate and standardized.
  (二)參與方式(II)How to Participate
  1.參賽者可關注湖北發(fā)布、長江云新聞官方微信公眾號,進入底部菜單欄“橋”見新時代(Bridges Witness a New Era)投稿專區(qū)進行報名,并上傳作品。Participants are welcome to follow the official WeChat accounts of Hubei Fabu and HBTV News to access the submission section for Bridges Witness a New Era in the bottom menu,where they can register and upload their work.2.海外網(wǎng)友可將投稿視頻發(fā)至指定郵箱。Overseas participants are welcome to submit their videos to the designated email address.
  (三)參賽須知(III)Entry Guidelines
  1.參賽者投稿時,應如實填寫各項內(nèi)容,提供真實準確的個人信息及聯(lián)系方式。提供信息不完整、不真實的,主辦方將取消其參評資格。Participants must accurately fill out all required fields when submitting their entries,providing truthful and complete personal information and contact details.Submissions with incomplete or false information will be disqualified.
  2.參賽者應確認擁有其作品的完整著作權(quán),作品所涉相關名譽權(quán)、肖像權(quán)、著作權(quán)等法律責任,均由參賽者負責。主辦方擁有參賽作品的使用權(quán),并保留對作品后期技術處理權(quán)利,使用方式包括用于公益宣傳或提供給相關媒體播放等。主辦方不承擔因肖像權(quán)、名譽權(quán)、隱私權(quán)、著作權(quán)、商標權(quán)等糾紛而產(chǎn)生的法律責任,因此造成的經(jīng)濟損失,主辦方有權(quán)要求參賽者承擔。Participants must ensure they hold full copyright to their submissions and are solely responsible for any legal liabilities related to the reputation,image rights,or copyrights involved in their submissions.The organizers have the right to use the submitted works,including making technical adjustments,for public welfare publicity or distribution to relevant media for broadcast.The organizers are not liable for any legal disputes arising from issues related to image rights,reputation,privacy,copyrights,or trademarks.Should any financial losses occur due to such disputes,the organizers have the right to hold the participants accountable.
  3.以團隊形式參賽的,作者限6人以內(nèi)。團隊作品應指定一名主創(chuàng)成員報名,不得重復報送。Team submissions are limited to a maximum of six members.One primary creator must be designated for the entry,and duplicate submissions are not allowed.
  4.凡參賽者報名成功,均視為已確認并遵守本方案的各項規(guī)定。By completing the registration process,participants agree to abide by all the rules outlined in this document.
  5.參賽規(guī)則一旦發(fā)生變動,主辦方將在湖北發(fā)布、長江云新聞官方微信公眾號“橋”見新時代(Bridges Witness a New Era)專區(qū)以公告的形式告知。Should there be any changes to the entry rules,the organizers will announce them in the“Bridges Witness a New Era”section on the official WeChat accounts of Hubei Fabu and HBTV News.
  The organizers reserve the right to the final interpretation of the event and the use of submitted works and related materials.
  Ⅳ.Evaluation Process評選環(huán)節(jié)設置“專家初評”“網(wǎng)絡點贊評議”“專家復評”三個環(huán)節(jié)。The evaluation process consists of three stages:Expert Initial Review,Online Voting and Evaluation,and Expert Final Review.
  (一)專家初評(I)Expert Initial Review
  1.主辦單位對征集作品進行統(tǒng)一審核,邀請高校專家學者、資深媒體人士組成評審組對所有參選作品進行初評。The organizers will conduct a unified review of all submissions and invite a panel of university experts,scholars,and seasoned media professionals to conduct the initial review.2.評審標準內(nèi)容:與主題契合度、創(chuàng)意與創(chuàng)新、藝術感染力、制作水平等。(由專家評審評分)傳播量:依據(jù)瀏覽量、點贊量、評論數(shù)、轉(zhuǎn)發(fā)數(shù)等。Evaluation criteria:alignment with the theme,creativity and innovation,artistic impact,production quality(scored by experts),and outreach(based on views,likes,comments,and shares).
  (二)網(wǎng)絡點贊評議(II)Online Voting and Evaluation
  主辦單位將初選入圍作品,通過“橋”見新時代(Bridges Witness a New Era)網(wǎng)絡點贊評議系統(tǒng)進行展示,網(wǎng)友可為自己喜歡的作品點贊評議。最終點贊評議情況在復評中占一定得分比例。The shortlisted entries from the initial review will be showcased on the online voting platform for Bridges Witness a New Era,where users can vote and evaluate their favorite works.The results of this online voting will be considered in the final review.
  (三)專家復評(III)Expert Final Review
  主辦單位組織專家復評,結(jié)合點贊排名情況,評選一批獲獎作品。The organizers will convene an expert panel for the final review,taking into account the online voting results to select the winning entries.
  將評選出一類、二類、三類扶持作品一類扶持作品每件可獲激勵資金10000元人民幣;二類扶持作品每件可獲激勵資金5000元人民幣;三類扶持作品每件可獲激勵資金3000元人民幣。First,second,and third-tier supported works:Each First-tier supported works will receive a grant of 10,000 RMB.
  Each Second-tier supported works will receive a grant of 5,000 RMB.Each Third-tier supported works will receive a grant of 3,000 RMB.
  V.Awards and Broadcast Exhibition(一)集中頒獎(1)Public Award Ceremony:召開活動頒獎儀式,對扶持作品進行現(xiàn)場頒授。A public award ceremony will be held to present the awards to the selected works.
  (二)集中展播(2)Public Broadcast Exhibition:1.全國展播。優(yōu)秀作品將在全國廣電新媒體聯(lián)盟和相關頭部平臺集中展播。National Broadcast Exhibition:Outstanding works will be showcased on the National Broadcast New Media Alliance and top platforms.2.全球展播。獲獎優(yōu)質(zhì)短視頻在央媒海外平臺、全球主流通訊社及媒體平臺、Open Hubei海外矩陣、海外華文媒體平臺同步展播。Global Broadcast Exhibition:Winning short videos will be featured on central media’s overseas platforms,global mainstream news agencies and media platforms,Open Hubei’s international network matrix,and overseas Chinese media platforms.
  Join usand showcase your best work!  

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