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TEDxISA Guangzhou Youth Logo Design Submissions|大會徽標征集
信息發(fā)布:征集碼頭網(wǎng)    點擊次數(shù):8540     更新時間:2024-07-04    截止日期:2024-07-20

  The TEDxISA Guangzhou Youth Event 2024 is scheduled for September and focuses on the profound theme,“Our Changing World”to explore opportunities and challenges in our changing world.To this end,we specifically launched logo competition.The final selected candidate will receive the following benefits:
  Benefits of the selected candidate
  The selected logo to be used on TEDxISA Guangzhou Youth's event posters,badges and other promotional materials;
  A 3-5-minute speech to explain the origin of their innovative ideas on the TEDxISA Guangzhou Youth stage;
  Certificates issued by TEDxISA Guangzhou Youth Conference;
  Exquisite souvenirs;
  2024年TEDxISA Guangzhou Youth大會計劃于9月份在廣州科學城愛莎外籍人員子女學校舉辦,本次大會將聚焦“Our Changing World”這一深刻主題,以探尋世界變遷中的機遇與挑戰(zhàn)。為此,我們特別啟動徽標征集活動,最終獲選者將獲得以下權益:
  獲選的徽標將用在TEDxISA Guangzhou Youth的活動海報、活動徽章等宣傳物料上;
  TEDxISA Guangzhou Youth大會3-5分鐘的演講時間,闡述您創(chuàng)意的由來;
  TEDxISA Guangzhou Youth大會頒發(fā)的證書;
  Our Changing World
  The world is in an era of constant evolution and renewal.From macro-technological innovation,the waves of globalisation,environmental issues,to micro-interpersonal interaction and,individual choices,every tiny small change is brought together into a powerful force that drives us towards a broader and more complex future.In the face of such change,how do we understand it,adapt to it,and use it to create a more sustainable and inclusive tomorrow?This is an important issue before facing each of us.
  Now,we sincerely invite you to bring your innovative ideas and harness your creativity to design a logo that captures the meaning of“Our Changing World”.Please consider the points below and follow the guidelines.
  現(xiàn)在,我們誠摯地邀請你,揮動你手中的畫筆,發(fā)揮你無限的創(chuàng)意,與我們攜手解答這個問題。展現(xiàn)你心中對于“Our Changing World”的想法,與我們共同探索這個充滿無限可能的世界。
  Activity Details
  A.Design Requirements設計要求
  *Global and innovative
  Conveys a global vision,reflecting a deep and unique insight and unique insight into the world's changes
  *Focus on the changes occurring in the world
  Covering but not limited to the many dimensions of technology,environment,society,exhibiting the richness and diversity of the change in the world.
  *Simple and powerful
  Bright colours,novel design,ambitious,with a strong visual impact.
  *Adaptive,easy to use
  Should be systematic and extensive,adapted to different visual applications scenarios,conducive to the promotion of applications.
  *Adhere to original,avoid copying
  Posts must be original,not previously published in any form;has not participated in other evaluation activities and is not a public work.
  B.Format Requirements作品格式要求
  1.Hand-drawn scans or photographs both can be submitted as an electronic version.
  2.If the image:format is jpg or,png,the resolution must not be less than 600*600 dpi.
  C.Posting method投稿方式
  After compressing the work,please name it as follows:"Personal name+campus class+TEDxISA Guangzhou Youth(LOGO)Design Proposal"and send it to isa.academy isaintlacademy.com.At the same time,please attach detailed design instructions and ideas so that we can better understand your creative intentions.
  請將作品壓縮后,命名為“個人姓名+校區(qū)班級+TEDxISA Guangzhou Youth(LOGO)設計方案”,發(fā)送至學苑郵箱:isa.academy isaintlacademy.com。同時,請附上詳細的設計說明和理念,以便我們更好地理解你的創(chuàng)作想法。
  If your design is successfully selected,we will notify you by email by 30 July.
  We look forward to your participation in the design competition.Your creative designs will help make the TEDxISA Guangzhou Youth Event more impressive,and will help focus attention on the theme of“Our Changing World”.
  我們期待您的參與,TEDxISA Guangzhou Youth將因為您的創(chuàng)意更放異彩,我們一起用創(chuàng)意和行動,迎接這個世界的每一個變化。

  Registration link:


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