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信息發(fā)布:征集碼頭網(wǎng)    點擊次數(shù):7210     更新時間:2021-08-22    截止日期:2021-08-31

  The solicitationannouncement for the architectural concept scheme of East River FeaturedFinancial Street(provisional name)at Chengdu Jiaozi Park Financial Business District


  China Southwest Architectural DesignAnd Research Institute Co.,Ltd.has been authorized by Chengdu Jiaozi ParkFinancial Business District Investment and Development Co.,Ltd.to be thesolicitor,(hereinafter referred to as"the solicitor"),to organizethe public solicitation for the architectural concept scheme of East RiverFeatured Financial Street(provisional name)at Chengdu Jiaozi Park Financial BusinessDistrict.We sincerely invite design institutions with relevant designexperience to apply for the scheme and submit the prequalification applicationdocument.



  The Backgroundof solicitation


  In order to implement the national strategy,help to build the nationalwestern financial center,accelerate the integration into the two citieseconomic circle of Chengdu and Chongqing and to be built into a functional areasupported by the connotation of“Eco-park+World-class Business District”,gathering consumerdemand for tourism,shopping,entertainment,etc.,to create a branded districtwith world influence.We are seeking to solicit proposals for ArchitecturalConceptual Scheme of East River Featured Financial Street(provisional name)atChengdu Jiaozi Park Financial Business District.



  The Proceduresof Solicitation



  The solicitor will set up aprequalification evaluation committee to evaluate the applicants who havesubmitted the prequalification application documents on time,and select threecandidates for the site to participate in the activity.

  2、概念方案評審Conceptualscheme Evaluation

  征集人將組建專家評審委員會,對應征的概念方案及其它相關內(nèi)容進行綜合評審排序。The solicitor will set up an expertevaluation committee to comprehensively evaluate and rank the concept schemeand other related contents.

  3、中選方案的確定Final Determination


  After reporting the expert evaluationresults to the construction unit and consulting the opinions of relevantcompetent units and departments,the solicitor will determine one successfulscheme.

  4、深化設計咨詢FurtherDesign Consultation


  The candidate selected in the conceptscheme will deepen the concept scheme of the plot according to the entrustmentof the solicitor,and the contents of deepening design consultation shall besubject to the solicitation document(including the design specification).



  Scope ofSolicitation

  1、項目簡介Scope of Solicitation


  Research Scope:East Area of financialCity,north of Zhuguosi West Road;


  Street Design Scope:Including theintegrated research design of Jiaozi Park 5 plots,roads on both sides of thepark,and 9 plots on south and north sides of the park.Total area is 616.68mu.


  Architectural Design Scope:PlotsG08,G09,G10,H05,H06 on south side of Jiaozi Park.Total area is 117.62mu,totalfloor area is 38,3700㎡.


  2、征集內(nèi)容Solicitation content


  According to the requirements of thesolicitation document,the candidate carries out the conceptual scheme design,and submits the result document as required for the scheme report.


  The scope and contents of solicitationare subject to The SOLICITATION DOCUMENTS(including the design specification).



  Eligibility and Qualifications Requirements


  The Applicant shall be a legallyregistered legal entity.

  2、申請人應具有承擔建筑設計項目的相關資格及能力:The Applicant shall have the relevantqualifications and abilities to undertake the architectural design works.

  2.1注冊在中華人民共和國境內(nèi)的申請人應具備建筑設計的執(zhí)業(yè)許可或經(jīng)營許可。The applicant registered in the People'sRepublic of China should have the practice license or business license ofarchitectural design.


  The Applicant registered outside thePeople’s Republic of China shall have a practice license or business licensefor architectural design in accordance with the national or localadministrative regulations.The qualification requirements for applicants fromHong Kong,Macau and Taiwan shall refer to the requirements for overseaapplicants.


  Applicants shall havearchitectural design experience in similar projects.


  Consortium applicationis accepted.



  Contents of application documents for Prequalification.

  申請人編制《申請文件》應包括:The application documents prepared by the applicant shall include:

  ①單位介紹信或授權委托書;Letter of introduction or power ofattorney;

  ②我國企業(yè)營業(yè)執(zhí)照或外國及我國港、澳、臺設計單位合法注冊登記證書;Business license of Chinese enterprisesor legal registration certificate of foreign and domestic design units in HongKong,Macao and Taiwan;


  Performance proof materials:letter ofacceptance(selection)(copy of signed or sealed by the applicant)or designcontract(copy of signed or sealed by the applicant),and projects renderings.

  ④公司簡介及團隊簡介:組建包含但不限于一個城市設計團隊與兩個及以上建筑設計團隊作為設計工作組,提交團隊介紹、組織模式、分工安排計劃、典型業(yè)績;Company profile and designer teamresume:The establishment includes not limited to one urban design team and twoor more architectural design teams as a design working group.The group shouldsubmits team introduction,organization model,division of labor arrangementplan,and typical performance documents.


  The work organization and designconception of the project;The content includes but is not limited to:groupideas;preliminary interpretation of the site;conceptual conception andfeatured street positioning,etc.;organized into report documents within 15pages.


  If the application materials are not inChinese,a Chinese translation must be provided.



  Submission of APPLICATION DOCUMENTS for Prequalification


  The applicant shall prepare theapplication documents.The application documents for prequalification shall besubmitted by e-mail in the form of electronic documents.The deadline forsubmission is 17:00 p.m.on August 31,2021(Beijing time).The electronicdocuments include the full set of application documents in PDF format and wordformat《The applicationdocuments shall be sent to the following recipients of the solicitation agentby e-mail


  Solicitors:China SouthwestArchitectural Design And Research Institute Co.,Ltd


  郵箱:540145029 qq.comEmail:540145029 qq.com



  Related collection fees

  1、征集補償費:Collection of compensation征集人向通過資格預審的應征人發(fā)放《征集文件》,應征人應根據(jù)《征集文件》要求編制并遞交《應征文件》。根據(jù)對《應征文件》的評定結果,征集人向遞交了完整和有效的《應征文件》的未中選應征人支付征集補償費,每個未中選單位的征集補償費人民幣400萬元。

  The solicitor shall issue the“Solicitation Document”to the applicants whohave passed the prequalification,and the applicant should prepare and submitthe“Application Document”in accordance with the requirements of the“SolicitationDocument”.According to the evaluation results of the“Application Documents”,thesolicitor paidcompensation fees to the unsuccessful applicants who submittedcomplete and effective compensation fees.Each unsuccessful company collectedRMB 4 million in compensation fees.

  3、深化設計咨詢費:中選方案的應征人將根據(jù)征集人的委托,對該地塊的概念方案進行深化。深化設計咨詢費由應征人自行報價,是應征文件的組成部分。Further Consultation Fee:The successful candidate will deepen the concept schemeof the plot according to the entrustment of the collector.The detailed designconsultation fee is quoted by the applicant,which is an integral part of theapplication documents.


  The compensation fee and detailed design consulting fee for the above proposalhave included all taxes and fees that should be paid inside and outside China.



  Other Terms


  Ownership of achievement materials:all design achievements submitted bythe applicants will not be returned,and all other copyrights except the rightof signature shall be owned by the solicitor.

  2、解釋權Right of interpretation本次征集活動及相關文件的最終解釋權歸征集人。The final right of interpretation of the solicitation and related documentsis held by the solicitor.

  3、本公告以中文為準,適用中華人民共和國法律。This announcement is subject to Chinese,and be applicable of the laws ofthe People’s Republic of China.

  4、項目相關資料請自行前往以下郵箱下載:Please go to the following emailaddress to download project related information:資料下載郵箱:cswadi7y 163.com,登錄密碼:cswadi123456。Data download email:cswadi7y 163.com,login password:cswadi123456.





  Solicitors:ChinaSouthwest Architectural Design And Research Institute Co.,Ltd




  Solicitation address:No.866,north section of Tianfu Avenue,Chengdu,Sichuan Province



  郵箱:540145029 qq.com

  Email:540145029 qq.com


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