首頁 > 征集信息 > 效果圖 衣服 飾品 珠寶 紋樣 服裝大賽
信息發(fā)布:征集碼頭網    點擊次數:7440     更新時間:2021-05-01    截止日期:2021-07-29
  As stars in the sky
  Pure,adorable and shining
  Free your imagination
  Light up the starry sky
  The Organizing Committee ofChina(Humen)International Children’s WearOnline Design Contest
  1.Foreign and domestic professional fashion designers(including HK,Macau and Taiwan territory)
  2.Foreign and domestic fashion school’s teachers and students
  3.Fashion Design Amateurs
  1.The works must be designed for the aim of“Positive Power,Creativity,Practical and Childlike simplicity”and to embody 2021/2022 latest fashion with notable innovation,commercial value and market potential.The range is children’s wear with complete series and accessories.Each series includes 5 suits.
  2.The design sketch should be completed in color,along with a series of characters drawn on(The required specification is 29.7cm×42cm,A3 paper size).Name of the work should be placed on the left top of your work.JPG is the required image format(for Graphic Design picture).Either hand-painted work or computer-produced ones will be accepted.
  3.Also attach an article of design inspiring thought(DOC)of your works(maximum 100 words).
  4.The works must be original and never be published.After the Preliminary and during the publicity period,the 30 shortlisted works will be made public.One person can only contribute once.Copy works and the works contributed more than once are regarded as invalid manuscript.We reserved the rights to cancel the contestant’s qualification if above verified.
  5.The copyright of all contributions is owned by the contest committee.The committee has the right to promote,publish,make and display all contributions.
  Application and contribution:
  April 20th—July 29th,2021
  Preliminary:August 2nd—11th,2021
  Publicity Period:August 17th—30th,2021
  Web voting for the final:September 2nd to 23rd,2021
  Contest result announcement:September 30th,2021
  1、選手于截稿日期前登錄虎門會展網(http://hmcec.com/),CFW服裝設計網(https://art.cfw.cn/)下載并填妥報名表格后,連同參賽圖稿、1張個人生活照片、身份證掃描件的電子版(缺一不可)以壓縮文件的格式打包發(fā)至:虎門服裝設計師協(xié)會郵箱(designer0769 163.com),請并務必在郵件標題注明“參賽選手姓名+《作品名稱》”。截稿時間以郵件的發(fā)送時間為準。(大賽組委會收集稿件以虎門服裝設計師協(xié)會專用郵箱為準,請報名選手務必將稿件發(fā)至我方指定郵箱:designer0769 163.com)
  1.The contestants click before deadline http://hmcec.com/and https://art.cfw.cn/to download the application form.Fill the form and pack with your works,1 personal photo and ID card to email to designer0769 163.com.Please title the email with“contestant name+name of the works”.Deadline is subject to sending time.(All the works must be sent to the appointed email:designer0769 163.com)
  Liaison person:Ms.Liu Jiayi
  One Gold Prize:15,000RMB,cup and certificate
  Two Silver Prizes:10,000RMB,cup and certificate
  Three Bronze Prizes:6,000RMB,cup and certificate
  One The Creation Award:3,000RMB,cup and certificate
  One Web Popularity Award:3,000RMB,cup and certificate
  (Note:Bonuses are pre-tax)
  初賽:專業(yè)評審組從所有參賽作品中評審出得分最高的前30份作品進入大賽決賽,進入決賽的作品將先放在虎門會展網上公示一段時間,在此期間接受廣大網友的審閱,如有網友發(fā)現有入圍作品涉嫌抄襲,請在公示時間內準備好其抄襲證據發(fā)到虎門服裝設計師協(xié)會郵箱(designer0769 163.com),并在郵件名稱上注明“舉報XX號作品抄襲”,組委會將嚴肅處理此事,一經查實,將取消涉嫌抄襲的選手的參賽資格,其入圍名額將安排作品得分僅次于前30名的優(yōu)秀選手的參賽作品代替,繼續(xù)進行網上公示。公示時間一結束,所有有效的作品將統(tǒng)一掛在虎門會展網上接受網絡投票參與決賽。
  Preliminary:The professional judge group will evaluate all contributions based on the rules and select the best 30 works for the final.These 30 shortlisted works will be made public for some time.During the publicity period,we welcome friends to report those who have plagiarism suspicious and send evidence to our email(designer0769 163.com)with title“plagiarism+number of the works”.Once verified,the organizing committee reserves the right to cancel the contestant’s qualification and alternate contestant will be chosen according to the grade.After the publicity period,the top 30 works will be made public on the website(http://hmcec.com/)for voting.The organizing committee reserves all rights.
  Final:The selected 30 works and the designers’relevant information will be on http://hmcec.com/and scored by professional judge group and web voters.The finalists can use their personal Wechat or Sina Weibo to introduce and propagate their works(The professional judge group score 80%,the web voters score 20%)and comes out the Gold,Silver and Bronze Prize winners.
  The Creation Award:The professional judge group will score 30 final works based on design creation and the highest scorer will win this prize.
  Web Popularity Award:The works of the final 30 which get the highest web voting will win this prize.
  Working Opportunity:Gold,Silver and Bronze winners will have the opportunity to get a internship offered by Humen garment company.
  Dongguan Humen Clothing&Accessories Industry Association
  Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Dongguan(Humen Branch)
  Humen Garment Technology Innovation Center
  Dongguan Humen Garment Designer Association
  China Fashion Association
  Online Supports:
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