
發(fā)布時(shí)間:2021-02-26      閱讀量:16028次     

「草莓糖 Strawberry Candy」

創(chuàng)作者Designer(s)/學(xué)校所在地Location of School/學(xué)校School


Nianze Li/Japan/Tokyo University of the Arts

年度大獎(jiǎng)評語 Jury Comments

Gitanjali Rao | 印度 India

A very mature and difficult subject handled very sensitively by the student. The graphic style inspired by children's drawings, also lends beautifully to understand a child's fears as well as her innocence.


Katie Naeher Kaliniak | 紐西蘭 New Zealand

"This work was beautifully done. A very interesting style, and very playful - a stark contrast to the story lying ahead. Such a deep and difficult topic to portray, but depicted in a relatable manner. This film definitely struck a chord in me, knowing that these terrible things happen all too regularly in society behind closed doors. The way in which they alluded to exactly what was happening was very creative, rather than pushing the issue straight in your face was. Their use of transitions between scenes was very nice and effective too. A great work, deserving of a high honour."


Kim Keukeleire | 比利時(shí) Belgium

“Strawberry Candy” has really touched me and I believe it is a very disturbing and yet still taboo issue. It is not easy to talk about the children sexual abuses and you did it with such a soft and subtle approach. Even though it is impossible to feel what victims are enduring, I feel like I could be in that little girl head. You describe so well the subterfuges and the explanations used by the little girl to cope with this horrible reality. Without ever saying what is happening, we understand slowly but surely what is going on. The aesthetic is just beautiful and the voice over so convincing. The narration is a perfect balance between the soft and sweet visuals and the horror of what is going on. Truly, big bravo to you and thank you for approaching this very difficult subject.


Kevin Swanepoel | 美國 United States of America

The Grand Prix winner was an incredible piece of storytelling ... "Strawberry" Like most pieces of great work it should make you feel something ...This piece of work made me feel uncomfortable, angry, and emotional - Children are innocent and the relationship with older family members should be one of love and should bear fond memories, sadly in this powerful animation it was not the case.


紀(jì)柏舟 | 臺灣 Taiwan


It is a stunning and breathtaking animation. This animation is depicted in a highly aesthetic manner. The animator finds a brilliant way to draw a contrast between its sweet graphic style and the horrible aspect of reality. Strawberry Candy is done in a children's drawings manner. This animation starts with an innocent and sweet voice over that soon becomes so dark and horrifying to a point where you’d feel a chill down your spine as the story proceeds. The innocent voice over becomes an ignorant and terrifying nightmare that controls emotions and senses of the audiences. It is so rare that a student’s work can be so well-executed and infectious. The image of hand is constantly used to draw a striking contrast between the cruel story and the soft graphic style. The brilliant techniques are impressive. This kind of quality pieces is rarely seen among students. The subject, graphic, media and voice over are all brilliant. It’s a beautiful animation that deserves to be awarded.

莊絢淳 | 臺灣 Taiwan

這是個(gè)很高級有人性的動畫,我們都知道孩子生如白紙,每個(gè)父母都用心用愛帶給孩子豐富的色彩讓孩子這樣的畫布滿載愛,而故事中的小女孩被爺爺多次猥瑣而沾染上"大人顏色",深深的、臟臟的、 濁濁的、 痛痛的,讓孩子甚至分不清現(xiàn)實(shí)或夢境,小女孩的溫溫的自白與把"沾染"視覺化,讓整個(gè)故事扣人心弦心痛不已,故事結(jié)尾孩子瑟縮在大紙箱的陰影處更是沖撞我們的感官,是個(gè)非常棒的一部作品。

This is a comprehensive and a quite human animation. We all know that child is born a blank slate and parents will paint it with color of love. However, the little girl’s was contaminated by her grandfather’s dark, dirty, obscure and painful color. The girl even loses the ability to distinguish reality from dreams. The soft voice over visualizes the process of contamination and makes this story relatable. At the end of the animation, the scene of the girl curling up in fear under the shadow of a box is so stunning that it has aroused strong emotions in all of us. Strawberry Candy is indeed an excellent piece of art.

初選-數(shù)位動畫類活動紀(jì)實(shí) 2020/8/29-8/30

Preliminary Selection- Jury of Digital Animation Category



E-mail: tisdc.tw@gmail.com

Website: www.tisdc.org

